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What's New?

February 22, 2002- Began Site Creation, board is added.

March 27th- New info listed, new pics, look for more updates all next week!

May 13th- new camera so look for new photos all week, as well as new info!

May 18th- Site is made banner free, and contact email is changed to heather@stilacollectors.freeservers.com
More updates throughout the weekend.

May 23rd- Stila Created Looks, looks from both pamphlets and your makeovers, is created. Send your makeover info to Heather at the address above.

July 9th- affiliation with Sephora is established. Banner and links added. Photos to be added later in the day.

July 10th- BIG Thank you to the lovely ladies at Makeup Alley for the post and vote of confidence!!!!!! Thanks again!!!!!!!!

July 17th- Sephora now has the new Bouquet du Jour collection on their site!!!!

July 23rd- Lots of pics added!!!! Please keep an eye out for an additional site for extra photographs.

July 25th- new pic of Bohemian Collection added, photo of all trios/quads (except Bohemian Cafe) added for your personal color comparison!

August 4th- a huge huge thanks to all the lovely Singapore ladies who are sending me all the pics from the launch there! I've returned from vacation and will get these up as soon as I get my additional server space set up. These are some great pics! (teaser, teaser!)

August 4th- Sephora now has Bohemian Beauty collection on site, Stila Website upated to show BB.